Skincare layering for your body

Skincare layering for your body
Cassie Steer,-Beauty Editor

Because it’s not just your face that needs to cleanse, tone and moisturise

Just when you’ve got to grips with adding a serum into your skincare regime, along comes a new slew of products to consider. We’re talking dedicated formulas for your body – packed full of the same skin-perfecting ingredients you’d find in your face creams – to slough, smooth, soften and rejuvenate. After all, why should looking after your skin stop at your neck? 

‘The skin covering our bodies has 60-90% fewer oil glands than that of our faces meaning that it damages easily and dehydrates quickly, not to mention the friction and irritation caused by wearing clothes which can also zap away moisture,’ says aesthetician, skin expert and beauty industry consultant Fiona Brackenbury. 

‘Skincare products for the body need specialised ingredients and textures to be able to deliver the results you want. A comprehensive and bespoke routine is key to treating specific concerns while reinforcing the skin’s structure and barrier.’ Time to make some space on your shelves for a new, whole-body skincare routine.

Brush up on exfoliation

‘The skin naturally sheds dead skin cells daily, however sometimes it needs a little help,’ says Fiona. ‘Exposing the skin to UV rays in the summer causes the surface layers of the skin to thicken and hold onto the dead skin cells for longer. The same thing happens as we age as the skin’s metabolism slows down. To ensure you’re getting the maximum results and potential from your body care, exfoliating at least once a week is key.’ 

Just as exfoliating your face helps your skincare to absorb better, so too does sloughing off dead skin cells from your body. Transform elbows, knees and bottoms with a good old fashioned scrub to leave skin silky smooth. Products containing AHAs will gently whisk away dry, dead skin cells by dissolving the cement that glues them together.

Be specific with your serums

If a daub of body lotion is the extent of your current body care ‘regime’ prepare to be enlightened. ‘Body Serums are the best way to target specific zones,’ says Fiona. ‘Light in texture and designed to absorb quickly they have an amazing affinity with the skin. Choose from tightening and firming to detoxing, hydrating or anti-ageing formulas just as you would for the face. The idea is choosing your serum with a view to what you want your skin of the future to be’

Glisten up

A body oil is your ultimate dry skin ammo for those times when you are crying out for something extra. Providing deep nourishment to parched parts, they’re adept at locking in moisture and always add a touch of decadence to the experience. ‘Body oils loaded with lipids, omegas and antioxidants gorge the skin with nourishment. Take the opportunity to massage the skin as you apply, as this simple gesture helps to increase circulation while bringing oxygen and nutrients to the skin.’

Layer up

‘Just as you layer the skincare on your face, you should do the same on the body in order to allow you to tailor and define the results you wish to achieve,’ says Fiona. Confused about which order to apply each product? As with skincare, start with serum, which tends to be runnier in consistency and packed full of skin-improving actives such as hyaluronic acid. Next apply a lotion or balm before finishing with your oil. ‘Oils will seal in the actives and hydration from lightweight body serums and creams while helping to avoid evaporation,’ she adds.


Bacne, bumps and busts call for something a little more targeted in terms of body treatments. Spots aren’t just reserved for your T-zone and breakouts are commonly found in areas where fabrics trap moisture and dead skin cells or where pore-clogging haircare products come into contact with the skin, around the neck and shoulders. Opt for products containing pore-purging salicylic acid, or for those annoying ‘chicken skin’ bumps on the backs of your arms, go for a smoothing blend of AHAs such as lactic and glycolic acid. The décolleté and bust is another area that has its own unique physiology with sagging tending to be a key concern. Here, skin-firming peptides and collagen-building actives will help tone, tighten and rejuvenate.

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