Winter fragrance for your home

image of a collection of different candles and diffusers on a green background
Editorial Team

We’re talking warm notes of spice, wood, leather and tonka…

As we await the latest Scandinavian term to describe the hunkering down that happens at this time of year, let’s just get cosy in the most comforting way possible – through scent.

Leave the figs, citrus and floral home scents behind and instead discover that what smells best in winter is anything that evokes cosy Sundays with the fire lit and something nourishing on the stove – without actually having to do either. These scents scream mysig, hygge, koselig


Best for: kitchen
Ever wondered what the olfactory expression of Christmas would be? Try any combination of ginger, cinnamon, cloves or mulled wine.


Best for: sitting room
For lovers of lapsang souchong and mezcal, these smoky scents evoke bonfires and wood burners.


Best for: bedroom
A small raisin-like bean grown in South America, tonka has a warming scent somewhere between vanilla, honey and almonds, and is a perfect backdrop for a lazy lie-in.


Best for: home office
Dense and grown-up, leather evokes libraries and gentlemen’s clubs and will make you feel like a captain of industry when WFH.

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